Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy President's Day!

Mark and I had a surprise for today.  We have Chris as a travel buddy today.  I forgot it was a it was a nice little surprise.  We had an uneventful weekend.  We didn't do much at all.  That doesn't help with my motivation level.  It is zero right now!  
When we arrived at Children's and Mark was weighed, he gained about a kilo over the weekend. The nurse has said it was about a liter of fluid he was retaining.  She had said it was not bad considering it was the weekend.  She was also not sure if they could pull it all off of him today.  We decided not to challenge Mark too much and that I would return tomorrow for an extra treatment.  When the doctors came to do rounds this afternoon it all changed.  They were not concerned with the amount of weight gain over the weekend.  They wanted to bump up his treatment for today so that we would not have to return tomorrow.  They had just said that it will be day to day depending on if we will need to do 4 treatments a week.  Of course they want us to watch his water intake closely.  That seems to not be so hard during the day.  The night is a different story.  He drinks so much when he is up at night.  It also seems as if he is up for hours between 12 and 5 in the morning.  All we can do is take it one day at a time.  I'm too tired to fuss with him late at night.  We can hide the waters from him at night and let him stay up if he wants.  I'm not sure what our choices are at this point!  He seems to sleep less now that he is feeling better.  We can't keep him up to late because he gets to grumpy.  The sleep is more of a syndrome issue then renal.  Many kids with Mark's syndrome suffer from lack of sleep.  We were thinking before his kidneys shut down it was just luck he was sleeping well.  The reality of it was his kidneys were shutting down and he was feeling more sleepy.  If they only found a miracle drug that would allow him to sleep at night!  
With a little time left in his treatment he has not been able to tolerate all the fluid removal..I am not sure what this means for tomorrow.  Maybe there will be a phone call to the doctor to see if we have to return.  I really hope not...I would rather come Thursday for an extra day.

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