Santa left Mark lots of goodies!
Christmas Morning Mark woke up with a little excitement! Santa really did come to the hospital. We had an early start with dialysis in our room! So as we waited for the machines to get up and running we opened some gifts.
Trying to open with one hand |
After opening a couple gifts we were a little tired and wanted to rest. Mark was hooked up to the dialysis for a 90 minute treatment. He did great for the 90 minutes...lasted the whole treatment with minor issues during treatment.
We were expecting a couple visitors on Christmas!!! We started are morning of with a visit from Nick and Rach....I think Mark was happy about that, when we told him they were here and parking their car he gave us a big smile. I know I was happy too :) Before they had arrived Chris and I decided we would call off the rest of the visitors for the day. We were both really burnt out and run down, so we figured we would just hang out and watch TV.
There was one special visitor we could not call off.......
Santa and Mark
Just a little side note here...I am thinking Mark was trying to be into him and wanted to talk to him but he couldn't . He was just to tired. I think he was a little tacky ....I said to my dad "They couldn't get a Santa with a real beard?"
Santa came towards the end of Mark's dialysis. After treatment they always do a set of labs and weigh him. Then we snuggled him up in his bed for a rest. While he rested Chris and I were able to chat with our visitors. About 20 to 30 minutes after treatment things took a turn for the worst. Mark began to have a seizure. It was a bit scary and unexpected. With in 5 minutes we had about 20 doctors and nurses in our room just trying to stabilize Mark. As time passed he was not stopping, and before we knew it we were on our way to ICU. Last that was reported to Chris and I was that he had seized for over 45 minutes. After they were able to control the seizure they deiced it would be necessary to intubate and sedate him. Although his heart and lungs are doing great, they just need to keep him sedated until they can figure out his medications. The seizure could have happened for a number of reasons....they can come on during dialysis when calcium levels are very low. Also Mark has an underlying seizure condition, so it may have just been that. We do know that his med levels were and have been low, but that doesn't actually mean that that could be the cause.
So know we are in ICU as all the teams work together to try to figure this all out. They have not told us how long mark will be in this state. Yesterday was a long hard day for us. Chris went home to get some rest around 5 or so, and I just went to sleep. Now is the best time to sleep...while Mark is sleeping and has many Doctors and nurses watching over him. I think I was able to sleep for 9 hours or so...this is the most I have had since this all started. My phone was off and i was out for the night.
There are no words to express how hard this has been on us. If we could just take his place or make it all better for Mark we would....It breaks us to pieces to see him like this. When I got up this morning and sat with him he was wiggling around. The nurse said he could hear me and he knew I was here by his side.
So my question is...Why did Christmas miss us? They only day Mark waits all year for, even over his birthday. |
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