Whenever Mark is feeling like this he wants me to make pancakes. As soon as the request was made..off to the kitchen I went.
Mark was happy to have his cake's although his appetite was on the small side.
We headed into Boston with major hesitation from Mark. He was not feeling well and did not want to leave the couch. I wanted to stay home too! Once we got in the car Mark was asleep and we made it in to the city with great timing today.
We are about 1 hour into treatment. We have not seen the doctors yet today. Mark is having the normal hard time with nausea, then the added low grade fevers and cough . He is fast asleep at the moment so I am taking this opportunity to blog. I'm hoping that he is able to sleep for the rest of his treatment. I was also just informed that they are going to talk about the catheter issue at rounds today....we will see!
I am feeling stressed about this week ahead for many reasons. I am wondering about his catheter. I hate when mark is sick, I feel on edge at all times. I can't stop thinking that he may have a seizure at any moment. Lastly of course it's going to snow the worse on a dialysis day :(
My hope was that things we be a little more normalized by now and Mark would be back in school. Things have just been so unpredictable lately, and usually I handle that well. I have had to tell myself to take it day by day. That is easier said then done!