Once again Mark and I got up to more snow! Of course it only snows on the days we have to go to Boston. So we got up and were ready to face all that snow. We decided to take medicine, get dressed and head out. First stop...Dunkins! Heather and Matt gave us a gift card (btw.. thank you) so we had breakfast out. Mark had two wake wraps and I had an ice coffee. Mark was super happy about our stop at D&D's. Then we were off to Beantown. The ride was not bad today...I gave us plenty of extra time to get here. We arrived about an hour early. So we all know what that means....Mark wanted to eat again. He had a little lunch and then we headed up to dialysis. This gave me a chance to sit down finish my coffee and chat with one of the other parents. His son is 18 years old. He had his first transplant at 9 months old. So he had got about 17 years out of his kidney donated by his dad. This is such a great thing to hear! The father had told me that being the donor was nothing. He said he felt fine and was home within a couple days of surgery. Now that they are about 17 years down the road they are going in for another kidney. His son will first need to have the old kidney removed. This will happen next week. Then they will find out who will be his match. His mother and siblings will be checked. He will then need time to recover from his surgery of the removed kidney. Dad says they are looking at about a 5 or 6 month process before the new kidney is in. This boy went on dialysis only a couple days after Mark.
I have to say when I sit in this room I always wonder. Who are all these people? Where are they from? What is their story? Well I'm glad I asked today. This is making me feel at piece with our upcoming decision. I spend more time with these other families, nurses and doctors, then I do with some of my own family.
I also have some more thanks to give out today....My co-workers and some of the clients from InStyle Hair Designs were very kind to us. Camille my boss ( Chris' aunt) came by last night with a gift. It was of course very generous and helpful to us at this time! Thank you!
Mark also received a couple gifts in the mail this week from my Uncle Matt & Deb...and Marlene! Thank you! I can't say it enough how generous and helpful so may people have been. We appreciate this all so much!
Tonight is going to be date night for Chris & I.....man I am pumped. We are going to Gibbet Hill thanks to a gift certificate we had from our wedding. This is a big deal...I have to brush my hair and even maybe put a little make-up on. I'm feeling pressured :)
Mark on the other hand has done well with his treatment so far today. He did get a little sick within the first 30 minutes. His cath has been clogging frequently. They nurse decided that they will send him home with medication in the catheter this weekend. This should help they clotting and clogging. We will know on Monday. They did mention yesterday on the phone that his catheter was on the poor side. They hope to not have to replace it before transplant. We have about 1 hour and 20 minutes left...hope it all goes smooth!
What I got up to this morning:( |
Mark's new penguin mugs |
All this candy made us happy |
I think this is awesome! |
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