Saturday, January 15, 2011

Relaxing Day

Special delivery was a perfect post name for yesterday!  When we arrived home from a LONG car ride last night, Mark walked into the house to 3 gift bags.  Once again another gift from the Millipore staff.  There was a bunch of cards, a new portable dvd player, caring case, headphones,  about 15 dvd's (all that Mark likes and doesn't own) and a gas gift card!  This is just incredible.  Someone got word of Mark's love for his movies.  Thank you Millipore employees....So many of you have gone above and beyond.  
After the excitement we enjoyed dinner with friends and played until Mark had to go to bed.  He was tired, he stayed up later then normal due to the long commute.  After Mark went to bed the adults watched a movie and went to bed as well!
Today will be a relaxing  day.   We have a trip to the grocery store planned for later.  Chris had to go away for the night so it will be quiet around here.  
Quiet can be your best and worse friend in the world.  When you need to unwind and just get away it is so nice.  When you have lots on your mind it can make you crazy.  I guess this is something I need to work on.  I always have lots on my mind.  Today I can't stop thinking about two people I care about.  My friend Melissa and her family are laying her grandmother to rest.  Also big thoughts to Becky and her family.  Becky loss her father yesterday.  Life can be unfair and so hard to understand.  I just want them to have the strength to get through this hard time.  Much love to you both and your families. 
For now we will see how this day goes...maybe lots of cleaning?  

He own's pajamas with a cape!

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