Yesterday turned in to a bit of a whirlwind.....We had to wait for the Doctors and Nurses get all the appropriate paper work together. I left CHB last night with 12 prescriptions....yes 12! I'm a little freaked out by that, but we will be back at dialysis on Wednesday if I have any questions. We finally were all packed up and ready to leave Boston around 6:30. Mark traveled home with Chris so I could hit the pharmacy on the way home. They were in a rush to get home so Mark could open his presents. He had some Santa presents waiting under the tree for him. I think it was a good thing that Mark was with Chris. I haven't driven in 12 days. I felt like I just got my permit....I couldn't see a thing (I try not to drive at night for that reason) and I was white knuckled. People in Boston were flying past me giving me the nasty eye. When I arrived at CVS last night I was there for about an hour. I left with only 5 prescriptions....some they had to order and others they have to make? After all that I was so tired...I couldn't wait to get home...I just wanted the smell and comforts of home. It was so nice to walk in the door last night. We spent time playing and hanging out. I was going to blog but time went by too fast!
So here we are on a new day! I got up at about 7 and haven't stopped. This stay at home Mom gig is going to be tough. We have Alex with us for the day, and we will be having a meeting with Mark's school! They will be here in a bit.
I feel as if today starts a new chapter...we still have a LONG road ahead. We will be meeting with the Doctors in the next couple week to decide our course of action. We will be discussing the benefits of dialysis and/or transplant. Chris and I feel as if we would like to move forward with the transplant as soon as possible. When we have our family meeting, we will then know better what the future holds.
For all of my readers...This is not the end! I love to blog and will continue daily. The blog will change a little...more day to day and family stuff, but with lots of medical updates in between! This is my therapy...and I love to share our story. Mark has so many fans out there!
Last hours lounging in the hospital! |
All dressed and ready to go. |
waiting can be hard... |
All of our stuff...even Mark had to hold some! |
present time! |
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