We made our way into the city with no problems...it was slow going but we did it! We arrived to dialysis about 30 minutes late but they were understanding. I had the nurses draw some extra labs to check on his medication levels while we were there. Mark seemed to feel a little under the weather with his treatment today. He needed some medication to help with the nausea. He just couldn't seem to fight through it today. After he was settled he just relaxed and watched TV. The Renal Doctor was busy contacting the Neurology Doctor to see what the plan would be. When Mark's levels were back his seizure medication was low. So they decided at that point to give more medication by IV while we were there. This added an extra half hour or so on to today's trip to get this much needed medication into Mark....But so worth it! We will have to go to the local lab in the morning to have blood work done again. This is so they can keep a close eye on his levels and keep Mark seizure free.
We arrived home on the later side tonight. Mark needed to get to bed after his late night from yesterday. He was a bit grumpy but did finally agree to had to bed...Finally!
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