Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Here is what we have been doing:
Revolutions Game!

The Game was fun...but we couldn't help but wish we were at the Pat's game :)

Mark was not the best you can see Alex is not thrilled


It's fun to have a friend with you!

Snuggling at home

We packed our bag..ready for the call...

Hanging out during the hurricane

The hurricane hit the inside of our house :)
We have been busy and tomorrow is back to school!!  I think we both can't wait.  We also filled out paper work to start tutoring at the hospital, while on dialysis.  I am trying to be upbeat these days, but it's been a long month.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Message From Leah Brown

A blog from a family friend: 

As you all know Emily, Chris & Mark are waiting anxiously for a special phone call from Children's Hospital, for a new kidney for Mark.

While they wait I, Leah will be hosting a fundraiser to help support the Kane family during the recovery process after Mark has his transplant.

Mark is a very special boy to all that have had the pleasure to meet and know him.  All help for this fundraising event will be greatly appreciated!

Fundraiser Details:

Place: Franco American Club, Westford Ma
Date: October 22, 2011
Time: 7pm - Midnight
Tickets: $10.00
Door Prizes - Raffles - 50/50 - Cash Bar - Music

This will be an Avon exclusive shopping event to help raise money for the Kane family.

All Proceeds from the sales will go towards the fundraiser.  If you are unable to attend this event your ticket purchase will still greatly support this event.

For Tickets please contact:
Leah Brown- 978-772-3846 or
Rachael Cerullo- 978- 828-9363 or
Tamar Vernatter- 978-514- 1837

There is also an online event you can visit to help with this fundraiser.
When you click on this link please go to online events, this will bring you to the Mark's Our Boy fundraiser.  Help me reach the goal of $5,000.00 for this event. 
 PROMO CODE : mark2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

8 Months

Can hardly believe 8 months is here!  We have been busy the last few weeks.  Mark has been out of school and we have had Alex (my nephew) a couple days a week.  We have been playing hard, going to dialysis and I have been working.  It's been hard to find a balance.  We have had a busy schedule with events for Mark as well.  He received a trip to Gillette to attend a Revolutions game, a trip to the zoo..and yesterday a trip to Canobie!  At least he will have some good memories of this summer :)  I have lots of pictures to post later as well!
On the medical front things have not been that great :(  We have been listed for 25 days now!!!  That is exciting because I feel like each day that passes we are one day closer!  I'm not sure if you remember the dreaded PTH level...well it's back!!!!  I was promised they would not draw that level anymore and just watch his calcium levels a little closer.  Well there was a change in plans...The doctor that was on this month said it was necessary to watch the level.  Of course after the first draw it came back over 1000.  The second draw...same thing.  I thought that was going to push me over the edge.  At one point the listing doctor has said if the level spikes he will be removed from the list.  The first chance I got to speak with him I did.  He said at this point Mark will not be off the list.  My fear is that he is the doctor that gets the call when they have found a possible match.  He can refuse the organ or expect.  In his eyes if Mark's levels are  compromised then he could bypass an organ...and we would never know.  He claims that is not the case...but how do we really know?  Also when Mark's levels have spiked on and off ( they have been this whole time) and they can't figure it out, it seems to feel like it's an automatic parent blame.  I can say I'm not the only parent that feels that way as well.  Only with certain doctors.  Most recently when this happened I was a bit rude to the team.  They ended up eating their words...I feel as if I'm a pretty involved and dedicated parent to Mark.  It just kills me that in a moment they can make me doubt myself, and how far Mark has come.  We are lucky to be working with the #1 Children's Hospital and #1 Children's Kidney Transplant Team in the country.  That is no joke.  I wouldn't want my child to be anywhere else...and to think it is practically in our back yard!  When I run those stats through my head I try to forget my frustrations...sometimes it works, other times...not so much!
On a happier note there has been so excitement around the dialysis clinic this week.  There is a small group of kids that all became sick in December with Mark.  We have grown close as families through all of this..these are people actually go through exactly what we are.  One of the kids was listed on the transplant  list around the same time as Mark.  He received his call late Tuesday night!!  Also one of the girls went in yesterday for planned transplant!  I can't wait to see her today and get all the details...I did receive a text late last night from her mom.  She said it was a long day, but a success!  We also have a friend that will be going in for transplant in 2 weeks!  If we don't get a call soon, we will be the last one standing in the group we started with.  It's funny how it all works out, because we all thought Mark would be the first to transplant out of the group!  I'm happy that these kids are starting their journey to recovery (it's still a long road ahead)and we will be right behind them!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

It's Hard To Wait

After work today the doctor's called for monthly rounds on Mark.  They reported that everything is good!  No med changes for the first time in months...finally.  His numbers are all good after treatment, that is a relief we can stay at 2.5 hours for now.  The only questions was if his dry weight is up...I think it is, he is eating out of control these days.  They will determine that over the next couple weeks.
Activation was only 2 days ago.  It has been 2 very long days.  God I hope this does not take months.  I can't sleep, my appetite is down(not a bad thing), and I can't stop thinking about what this is going to be like.  When it will happen, if it will happen with the first call, will it be day or night.  I find myself so distracted I can't get out of my own way.  I'm on edge and have no look out!  I haven't packed a bag, just mentally I think about what I will need.
 It's just a little harder then I thought it would be...Our gain will be a loss for another family.  I find myself wishing that the call will happen every hour that goes by.  Then I think about what that other family will be going through.  The donor has to be 35 or younger.  That is a short life.  I will be so grateful that family will be making the decision to save my son.  It makes me think a lot different about organ donation.  You don't need your organs in heaven...right? I hope that after all of this everyone I know will consider being a donor.   

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Activation Day!!!

It's so exciting that Mark is officially on the list!  As of this afternoon he is almost feels like a holiday..or at least a huge milestone.  Now it's just the waiting game.  My stomach will do flips every time the phone rings.  We can be waiting anywhere 12 hours up to 100 days.  I just hope it happens sooner rather then later.  The sooner will give Mark the opportunity to actually attend school this coming year.  I guess this is when I ask everyone to do what works for them...say a little prayer, keep your fingers crossed..whatever let's just get this show on the road!!
I told Mark this morning that  it was activation day.  I said "That means at anytime day or night we can get a call for a new kidney."  He responded by saying "I'm so excited I will be able to stay on 10 South and play in the playroom when I get a new kidney."  He made no mention of less trips to Boston, being able to swim, bath, go to Disney.  It may seem sad to some, but he loves that hospital and all the people that have touched his life in many ways.  He gets treated like a king!  That is easy to do, he has a curiosity for life like no other!