Monday, December 27, 2010

Sunday Funday at CHB

After my long winters nap last night I was ready to get up and face the day ahead!  There were big plans for dialysis to start at about 9:30....Not so much, they were in Sunday mode!  Really they were super bogged down from the big blizzard that was headed this way!  They had to catch up from Saturday and take all their Monday kids today.  This left us for a later start, I believe it was sometime around 12:30ish.  With a successful 90 minute treatment we are off to a good start for the day!  Mark was very restless today fighting the sedation, which can dangerous.  That would be why his hands are restrained down because he loves to try to ripe anything out, the tube his IV or even his chest cath!
We were again blessed with many visitors and lots of treats today.  I was also officially kicked out of our room upstairs today....So you know what that means...I had to move ALL of our stuff again.  I loaded up a big cart headed on my way looking like a homeless women!  My poor parents were stuck taking half my stuff, I'm just so sick of moving it.

Later on in the afternoon we had to head down to CT scan just to have a look after the big seizure yesterday.  The CT was about 5 minutes.  The transfer down there and back was triple that.  To pack him up and unpack what a job!
When we returned the team decided it would be a good time to remove marks tube!!!!  When the tube was removed Mark's breathing was a bit labored....I knew at this moment it was going to be a long night.  After a close look from the Doctors they decided to call the ENT Doc up for a look.  Mark was having a hard time breathing and was still needing some assistance with out the tube in.  The ENT took a look with the scope down his nose.  The issue is what they had hoped....Just a little swelling and no major injuries.  Mark would receive steroids to help swelling and remain masked for the rest of the night!  Mark is not into the this had made him very grumpy tonight!  We are coming up on almost 1:30 in the morning and he is still waking every couple minutes asking for water and being very unhappy!
Tomorrow is a new day!  Mark can't wait to see Chris.  He has been a little under the weather and has had to stay away from the hospital.  
You may notice no pictures of mark in this blog :(  He was not up for modeling the last 24 hours or so.....we can hope he has his picture face on tomorrow.

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