Wednesday, March 30, 2011

We Have Been Busy

I feel as if I have been neglecting my blog...I have so much to write.  Last weekends Celebration for Mark was a big hit!  We had a huge turnout..more then we could ever imagine.  Of course Chris and I are very grateful for all that came out to celebrate.  Mark was so excited for his party all day.  He was up at 6am asking when it would be time.  Finally the night came and he was ready to party.  It was so busy I was panicked when I couldn't see him.  I believe it was my Dad's idea to tie balloons to the back of him, I could spot him all night long!  Mark was busy playing and dancing..I was was trying to talk to as many people as possible, but I think I may have talked to half of who was there.  I am awaiting pictures to post but I do have a few and a video of Mark dancing....

More pictures to come as soon as I get my hands on them.  If you were there and would like to email me them, I would greatly appreciate it!  You can sent them to  ~Thank You

Monday was a long day for us at CHB.  Mark treatment was not so successful.  After 40 minutes of the non stop interruptions the nurses decided to pull him off of treatment and lock his cath with TPA.  That is to help break down and clots in his line.  TPA has to sit in his line for an off to xray we went to check line placement.  We arrived home Monday night around 8pm with little to no answer about Mark's catheter.  One of the nurses had mentioned the xray looked good, there is no placement change.  Yay...that is good news...but what is the issue?

It's now Wednesday and we have had a busy day!  First Mark was able to join his classmates for music this morning via skype!  He was in his glory, we hope that this will be a weekly event from now on!

After Mark was done with music we headed out the door.  We had to make a few stops before headed to Boston.  When we arrived to CHB on of the nurses had let me know what the doctor had decided about the catheter.  He has ordered a study to be done on Friday afternoon.  This study will entail dye going into Mark's catheter to try to find out where the possible problem area is.  He will then go to dialysis after the study.  I am hoping by the time we leave on Friday we will have answers to all of this.  Let me tell you it has been a long day today...Mark needs to stay so still in order for his catheter to work...This is almost impossible!!  The question is will there be a catheter #3??

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