Friday, January 28, 2011

Computer Trouble

Yesterday we had a nice day at home.  Mark was suppose to be going to school...but it was a snow day!!!  We were outside early shoveling and trying to play in the snow.  I only say trying because it is waist deep for Mark.  He would try to move but couldn't.  I think we were both so tired when we came in. I wish it had been a little more fun, because the weather was so nice.  
Evy came by yesterday afternoon to help out with Mark for a bit.  I had to get a couple things done.  They went off to the library.  Apparently Mark talked a big game...he said he wanted to go look at books and read them.  He also promised he would use his inside voice.  He made through half a book and wanted to play in the play area the rest of the time.  Evy said there was a lot of kids at the library.  They were all pretty loud, so Mark took the opportunity to call them out on not using an inside voice.  He loves to point out when others are breaking the rules.
  I had the enjoyment of going to Market Basket....I know don't be jealous.  When I got home Chris was home from work and on the computer.  I was planning on blogging right when I got home.  We had a busy night ahead.  Not sure what I did but Chris had to clean my computer out.  He had to run some scans that took all night.  So this left me without a computer.  I felt like a kid that had candy taken away.  My Blackberry is so old it takes forever to get online.  That wasn't an option.   I was glad to busy so I wasn't obsessing over the computer. 
 Also note to self:  When messages pop up on your computer...don't x out and ignore.  (This is why I want a Mac.)
Today we will be heading into Boston.  I hope the doctors have a idea of what they will do with Mark's cath.  The x-ray did come back that the catheter has shifted.   The nurse promised to get us home Wednesday.  So I promised I would be prepared for anything today.  My bag is packed and I'm ready for a stay if need be!  They may just hold of until next week to do anything as well.  It will all depend on how well his cath works today.  

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